My classes are calming, loving, rejuvenating.

My training and certifications: RYT-200, plus certifications in kids yoga, restorative yoga and reiki level 2. I also study yoga philosophy weekly with a few local teachers.

My Yoga Story: I came to yoga looking for a new way to exercise and found SO MUCH MORE. I used to be pretty exclusively into power but now you’re more likely to find me in gentle and restorative classes as my yoga practice evolved to focus on finding peace in my body, mind and spirit. I still enjoy the occasional sweat session too! The more I learned about yoga and experienced the benefits for my children and myself, I knew there was something special about yoga and am honored to guide others and share in the joy of practicing yoga together.

My Mixtape: nature sounds, Native American flutes, orchestral covers of popular songs and mostly the Sleep Music in the Headspace app. :)

For fun, If it happens outside, count me in! It doesn’t matter if it’s hot or cold out. I love hiking, camping, kayaking, riding bikes with my kiddos, attempting to keep plants alive and playing with my chickens.