My classes are Fluid, invigorating, & fun

My training and certifications: CYT 200 from Yoga Lounge in 2021

My Yoga Story: In college, I started yoga as a way to counter the pounding I was doing on my body through distance running, and continued going a few times a week for stress relief as I started post-grad life in the corporate world. When COVID hit, I found myself, like many, practicing in their living room with a teacher via Zoom; I missed the community that a yoga class provided. During this time, I began to feel isolated and my mental health struggled. However, I continued to practice yoga and started to recognize how powerful the mental benefits were (along with the physical). I made other changes that positively affected my life: I quit my job, started a new one, and moved to the Hudson area. With working from home, I had more flexibility and decided this was the time to finally work on that goal I had been talking about for three years. So I looked up local yoga studios and found this place in Hudson was offering YTT; I applied without ever even attending the studio. Leba later told me I applied in like the first 15 minutes it was open. Life has a very funny of working out that way sometimes; the rest is history.

My Mixtape: Maggie Rogers, Noah Kahan, Chelsea Cutler, Sam Smith, and Florence and the Machine

For fun, I enjoy lifting, running, cheering on the Cavs, and thrifting!